
Category: Workplace

Discussing workflow

5 Awesome workflow automation examples to increase productivity, sales and leads

Workflow automation can help you automate repetitive tasks so that you can focus on more important things.

It can also help you improve your customer service, increase sales and leads, and make your business more efficient.

In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of workflow automation, and last but not least, we will discuss five workflow automation examples that will help you achieve these goals!

create tasks

What is Workflow Automation?

Workflow automation refers to the process of automating certain tasks in order to improve workflow efficiency. By creating workflows that automate tasks, you can save time and energy, which can be put towards more important tasks.

Automated workflows can improve productivity in a number of ways. For example, it can help you to:

  • Reduce the amount of time spent on tasks that can be automated processes.
  • Reduce the number of errors made in tasks that are prone to human error.
  • Improve communication and collaboration between team members.
  • Streamline business processes so that they are more efficient, promoting task management.

What are the benefits of workflow automation?
Here are some of the most important benefits of workflow automation that can help increase sales and leads:

  1. Improve communication

    By automating the sending and receiving of messages. This can be done through email, instant messaging or even text messages. Automating these tasks can help to reduce the amount of time spent on communication, which can, in turn, lead to increased productivity.

  2. Improve sales processes

    By automating tasks such as lead generation, follow up and customer communication, you can free up time that can be spent on other tasks, such as closing deals. These automated tasks can help to improve sales productivity and lead to increased sales.

  3. Increase leads

    By automating tasks such as website visitor tracking and contact forms. By tracking website visitors, you can identify potential leads and follow up with them accordingly. Automating contact forms can help to increase the number of leads that you receive, as well as the quality of those leads.

  4. Improve customer service

    By automating tasks such as ticketing and live chat, you can provide a better customer service experience and resolve issues more quickly. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  5. Improve your bottom line

    By automating tasks such as invoicing and payments. By automating these tasks, you can reduce the amount of time spent on administrative tasks, which can save you money. Automating these tasks can also help to improve your cash flow and bottom line.

  6. Impact on many different aspects of your business

    By automating certain tasks, you can save time and energy, which can be put towards more important tasks. Implementing workflow automation can help to increase productivity, sales, and leads.

How to get started with workflow automation

Workflow automation can seem daunting, but it’s really not that difficult to get started. The first step to start using workflow automation is to identify the tasks that you want to automate.

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to automate, you can start looking for tools that will help you do it. There are a number of different workflow automation tools available, so it’s important to find one that fits your needs.

Once you’ve found a workflow automation tool or workflow automation software that you’re comfortable with, the next step is to start setting up your workflow. This will involve creating tasks and specifying the conditions under which they should be triggered.

Once your workflow tasks are set up, you can sit back and relax, knowing that your tasks will be taken care of automatically. The key to successful workflow management is to begin slowly. Make a few basic elements and gradually advance to more complex ones.

business process

5 Awesome workflow automation examples to increase productivity, sales and leads

  1. Automating your email marketing workflow: You can use workflow automation to send automatic emails to your subscribers when they sign up for your list or when they take a specific action. For example, you can set up an automated workflow that sends a welcome email to new subscribers and then follow-up emails after they’ve made a purchase.
  2. Automating your sales workflow: You can use workflow automation to streamline your sales process. For example, you can set up an automated workflow that creates a new lead in your CRM system when someone fills out a contact form on your website. Then, you can automate the rest of the sales process, including sending follow-up emails and scheduling appointments.
  3. Automating your customer support workflow: You can use workflow automation to streamline your customer support process. For example, you can set up an automated workflow that creates a new ticket in your help desk system when someone submits a contact form on your website. Then, you can automate the rest of the customer support process, including sending follow-up emails and scheduling phone calls.
  4. Automating your social media workflow: You can use workflow automation to help you manage your social media accounts. For example, you can set up an automated workflow that posts new content to your social media accounts or that sends messages to your followers when they take a specific action.
  5. Automating your lead generation workflow: You can use workflow automation to generate leads for your business. For example, you can set up an automated workflow that adds new contacts to your CRM system when they fill out a contact form on your website. Then, you can automate the lead generation process, including sending follow-up emails and scheduling appointments.
workflow automations


Workflow automation is the process of automating certain tasks in order to improve productivity, sales, and leads. By using a workflow software, you save a lot of time and energy and can improve your productivity, sales, and leads.

If you are looking for a way to improve productivity and achieve your goals, All-in-One platform is the answer. This platform offers many benefits and can help you stay connected with your customers get new leads in a whole new way, with a clean visual interface

If you’re not sure where to start, our team of experts can help you choose the right platform for your business. Feel free to contact us or call us at (406) 322-3569. We’ll be happy to help!

Thank you for reading this blog post. We hope you found it helpful!

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Best practices for highly effective websites

Best practices for highly effective websites

Get the maximum value for your site Website Review Balancedietbillings.com by special request (Toni Kramer)


  • This is Nancy – I’m cranky & Impatient
  • I just moved to Billings
  • I plan on getting married in June
  • I work a 9 to 4 week day job
  • I’m also looking after my old parents
  • I have tried several weight loss program
I’m looking to find local weight management in billings and happen to find several places locally online.
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Internet Explore Security Vulnerability!


Security warning advisory was issued by Microsoft on Saturday about Internet Explorer web browser vulnerability. This bug allows malicious “remote hacker code execution”. It is currently susceptible to all versions of IE and there is no patch available at this point. If you are using windows XP you will not be able to apply the new patch since Microsoft no longer support windows XP.

We recommend if you are running windows as your operating system, use one of the following browser until issues has been resolved.

You can read more on this issue on:

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My Password is 1234

I use my password for Facebook, Email, and my Bank account. One thing you should know about me is that, I have an online syndrome called “I care less about myself”. PASSWORD, PASSWORD how I love thee… you’re my online protector, but you are so hard to remember when I need you the most, so I created you to be simple, but you betray me to online hackers.

So enough with the Romeo and Juliet, on a more serious note, your password just like keys to your house should not be left in the door or handed to a stranger.

Online communication requires access walls, these access walls called password are keys to your personal private data. We make online purchases, access sensitive data and share information with friends online every day, it is our moral responsibility to protect not only ourselves but all other’s associated with our online accounts. I put together a basic guide to help you stay protected without all the frustration that comes with hackers.

What not to do

  • Do not use your name, child name, pets as your password
  • Do not use less than 8 characters for your password
  • Avoid using words that can be spelled out (eg. wife, school, love and password)
  • Avoid words that describe the website you are using (eg. Don’t use Amazon in your password when create an account on amazon.com)

What to do

  • A password must contain a Capitalize letter, number, keyboard symbol and must be 8 characters long
  • Get into the habit of changing your password frequently
  • Do not use the exact some password for every account you sign up
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Is Apple losing its touch?

Is apple losing its touch? The new iPhone (iOS 7) 5s and 5c are in! One can’t seem to wonder if apple is being influenced by it’s rivals, Android and windows.  What is happening to the innovators of user experience, do I get the feeling intense competition is getting the best of Apple?

MG SIEGLER points out more insite on techcrunch.com

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Why the new iPhone and iPad matter

Revolutionary?  Evolutionary?  Apple has become a machine at releasing new products within their iOS line ever since the original iPhone was introduced on June 29, 2007.   Producing products on a regular basis with a subset of upgraded features and software tweaks have been disregarded as evolutionary.  The retina screen was one feature I could personally argue had the biggest impact.  With the subsequent new release of the iPhone 5s, iPad Air and iPad mini let’s focus on the one thing that is future proof and makes a difference.   Apple has the first 64 bit processor in a smart phone.

64 bit processing and what it means

Apple’s new A7 chip was lauded as the first phone to have a 64-bit processor.   The redesigned iOS7 has been recoded to have its core suite of apps 64-bit compatible.  So?   You are used to smart phones and computers doubling their speed every 18 months and using terms such as dual-core and quad core in their processing endeavors.

64-bit means two important things

1.  An ability to add more than 4 GB of RAM to a mobile device

2.  An ability to calculate numbers much more efficiently, making tasks like encoding and decoding video, 3-dimensional modeling and switching between applications with ease.

How much of a jump-start did Apple get?

Samsung, Qualcomm, Intel and all of the rest of the big players in the mobile industry have stated that their new architecture will be 64-bit.   Analysts give Apple about 9 to twelve months before Android devices catch up.  Samsung has explicitly stated that their next version of devices will have 64 bit processors.

Read between the lines – Always

Desktop OS’s have been steadily moving toward 64 bit processing.  Even Windows XP, the stalwart component of most business enterprise environments had a 64 bit version.  Released in 2005 (8 years ago), it satiated the need for more RAM and speed.  The computer you are using today that has been produced in the last 5 years probably has a 64 bit OS and processor.  If it has more than 4GB of RAM, I can guarantee that.  As for the Apple faithful, if your OS version is running OS X Snow Leopard (2009) or later you are running on 64 bit architecture.

Apple is staying ahead of the curve to make one thing clear:  iOS devices are going to be competitive as productivity devices, blurring the line between entertainment tablets and business tools.  If there is an app that runs on your desktop, be prepared to have a port that runs on your iPad.    Will they replace high-end desktops used for video / graphic editing, accounting programs, etc.?  No.   Will they be a sufficient replacement for laptops and out of town meetings?  Absolutely.  To see this market strategy already in place look no further than what Microsoft is doing with their Surface Pro product line.

Developers Wanted!

Hi Apple.  We have worked within your iOS ecosystem for years.  Your policies and market structure are far from perfect.  On the other hand your brand and quality in hardware and software is unmatched. Xcode, the development software we use will become 64 bit as the default even though 32 bit will be supported for years to come.  We see your vision and are committed to this opportunity.   Authentic Imaging will begin coding 64 bit applications for iOS devices in the upcoming months.  Stay tuned.

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How Do you keep up with technology?

So you go to buy a new phone, two days later there is a new phone release with additional features that makes the one you just bought outdated. Good luck exchanging it for a new one, it simply won’t happen. Addiction to new technology is the new norm for manufacturers and developers that feed on competition. Every new thing brought to the market has a new feature already in the production line. Consumers are very receptive to change and are always on the lookout for new technology.

What type of consumer are you?

Are you the one that holds off buying the next big thing? Or are you the one that can’t wait to sink your teeth in the next big thing? If you look on what is on the menu, technology only offers you two choices, slower adapters and fast adapters. Which one of them saves more money in the long run? This is out for debate.

When is it the right time to upgrade technology?

If you can prove an upgrade will save you time or money then you are due for an upgrade.

  • Examples of a phone:

i.      Sharing files
ii.      Taking photos
iii.      Navigation
iv.      Battery life
v.      Phone process speed

How to keep up with technology

You stand a better chance of keep up with technology by subscribing to news feeds that allow you to get information that matter to you the most. Use twitter, Google Plus, Linkin and Facebook to follow groups that interest you the most.

Technology website




Search engines websites



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How To Add A Favicon To A Website

Favicon, or Favorite’s Icon are little images that sit to the left of a web page title and allows the user to easily recognize the site in a bookmark list. Adding a favicon to your website may be an easy process depending on the type of website you have.

If your site is running WordPress, then there are plenty of plugins that can easily add a favicon, All In One Favicon is a good plugin for most applications. If your site is not running WordPress, or if you would like to avoid using plugins (usually a good idea), then you can use the code below to add a favicon to your site:

Just make sure to change the link to where the image is hosted, you can use an image hosting site like Photobucket to get the link.

<link rel=”icon

      href="link to where the image is located" />
[separator type='transparent' color='' thickness='' up='5' down='5']
Put the code in the top of your header file above the closing </head> tag.

Favicons are especially small images, about 35px X 35px, and you will need to edit the image to this size before trying to upload it. [separator type='transparent' color='' thickness='' up='5' down='5']

If you need help with this process, or any other web development services,
 contact Authentic Imaging, LLC at 406.322.3569
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Pros and Cons of Website Templates

When it comes to web development, there are many ways to “skin a cat.” One of the most popular solutions for web development these days is web templates. Web templates come in many different flavors, but two of the most popular are WordPress and Joomla.

The benefits of WordPress and Joomla are many, including ease of use and powerful free tools. The drawbacks are considerable, however, as security flaws are a major concern for commercial and personal use of these software products. The issue of security is based around the fact that these software solutions are open source code and everyone can know what source code your website is built upon.

This allows people with malicious intentions to “break into” websites and add spam links or cause other problems like stealing data or destroying work. There are ways to secure the site more, one is to build a brand new software version of WordPress or Joomla specifically crafted for your project. This is not a complete solution to the problem, but it does limit security holes compared to a largely distributed free template. Additionally, there are security plugins such as Bullet Proof Security and Limit Login Attempts. These help with buttoning up some of the inherent security holes in WordPress.

Joomla is much more secure than WordPress, but does still have some security flaws. Mainly it involves people’s websites being hacked and taken over, but there are some things that can be done. One option is to install Joomla Security Scanner. Another option is to have a custom Joomla site built for you. When a new custom site is built on the Joomla platform with security in mind, most issues can be avoided.

Web development companies like Authentic Imaging, LLC can build you a custom Joomla or WordPress site that is very secure. Your site will be unique, and also incorporate many security features. The benefit of going this route is that the management of the content on your new website will be very easy and intuitive. These site updates can be made in a program feature called WYSIWYG  pronounced “Wiz-E-Wig,” which stands for “What-You-See-is-What-You-Get.” These editors are very familiar to many people as they are very similar to Microsoft’s word processor Word. This can make your web experience much less frustrating and much more productive.

For people looking for the most professional solution to web development, a custom scripted site is the best solution. Although the cost will be more, the security will be much higher on a custom built site. The ability to update information can be a little bit more of a learning curve, although WYSIWIG editors can also be added to custom coded sites. Custom sites are much more valuable from an enterprise angle as they allow the highest level of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Graphical User Interface or GUI. These features become more and more important when building a corporate business. If you would like help with any of these web solutions, please do not hesitate to contact Authentic Imaging, LLC with any questions at 406.322.3569.


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How To Begin A Web Development Project

So you have a great idea for a website? Or it’s finally time to move your business into the 21st century and get a business website. Well, here are some pointers to getting off to the right start.

First of all, have a plan. Not having a plan is planning to fail. One of the best ways to plan your new website is with a white paper. A white paper is basically a website business plan displayed in an info-graphic. This can be very helpful for getting a overview of what each part of the website will do and how each page will interact with other pages.

White papers start by addressing the basic structure of your website. This is usually 4 to 8 pages that will make up the “back-bones” of the site. Some examples of these pages are “Products”, “Services”, “Contact”, “Home”, etc.

Once you have established the core modules for the site, it is time to fill in any extraneous pages that will be apart of the main core pages. Examples of these pages are “Pricing”, “Sizes”, “Colors”, “Sales”, etc.

Now create a diagram with the main pages as boxes with the links that will be connecting the pages drawn in as lines. After the main pages are created, add the secondary pages inside the main pages. It should give you an organized diagram of the site when finished.

With this simple diagram, you can now delve deeper into site style, content and functionality. Make several copies of the diagram you created above and label each one as “Style”, “Content”, and “Functionality.” Now fill in the details on each one of these pages with the appropriate details of how you want to stylize the page, what content will be on the page, and how the user will interact with that content, described on the functionality chart.

After you have finished with this process, it is time to put sales funnels into your design process. This is a key step that many site creators miss. Sales funnels are ways that your customer will be guided from a need or want to a satisfactory result on your website.

Start by thinking about the ways a prospect might find their way to your website. Now take that information and meld it with how that same prospect would be guided to a purchase on your website. The two of these concepts combined becomes a sales funnel to that particular product or service.

Try to create as many different sales funnels to your products or services as you can without diluting the process too much.

Once there is a plan like a white paper in place, it is easier to begin the development process. Using the created white papers, a developer should have a relatively easy time transferring your ideas from paper to the web.

Make sure to have all of the images and content that will go on each page segmented into their own folders. When transferring files to the developer, make sure to label each delivery as the page it goes with and only include information that goes on that page. This will simplify and organize the process for your developer, and limit your frustration with editing the site down the road.


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